Kerry Siders has been a member of St. Michael Parish since 2004 when he and his wife Mary moved to Levelland. He works as an AgriLife Extension Agent through Texas A&M University and specializes in entomology and weed science. Mary serves as the president of the Levelland Chamber of Commerce. The couple have a son Riley who is a student at West Texas A&M University in Canyon. Within the parish, Kerry coordinates the OCIA program and serves as a Reader and Eucharistic Minister. He is also a member of the Knights of Columbus Council. He serves on the Agriculture Committee of the Levelland Chamber of Commerce and is a 4-H Youth volunteer. Kerry earned a Bachelor of Science degree from Texas A&M University at Kingsville and a Master of Science degree from Texas Tech University in Lubbock. He says his service to the Parish is how he responds to God's will in his life.