ChristLife is the new adult formation program that is being presented by the St. Michael Spirituality Committee. It is a process with a proven method to ignite the new evangalization so necessary to revitalize our Parish Community. ChristLife helps parishes make missionary disciples by helping people discover Jesus Christ personally, follow Him in their daily lives as Catholic disciples, and share Him with others.
ChristLife is a 21-week program that consists of three seven-week sessions: Discovering Christ, Following Christ, and Sharing Christ. The Spirituality Committee will present the third 7-week session, Sharing Christ, beginning April 7. Sessions will meet from 5-7 p.m. in the Parish Hall and will consist of a shared meal, prayer, video teaching and small group discussion. You may pick among four small groups for men, women, married couples, and young adults. A Spanish-speaking group will also be formed. There is no cost to participate.
Once a you discover Jesus, begin to follow Him, and learn to share Him, you will want to invite more people on a life-changing adventure with Jesus Christ!
Session topics will include the following.
Even if you did not participate in the previous sessions, you are welcomed to join the third session at any time. If you did participate in the second session, you must register for the third session.
Invest in your faith and relationship with Jesus by registering for the Sharing Christ session using the online form below.